都好像是♥ Tiffany ♥先开始的! XD
去到哪看到哪哦! -3-
大家快去打她! XD
开玩笑啦~ =x
我可能还打不中你呢! >w<"
来完成♥ Tiffany ♥给美子滴Tag!^^
1. The last person who tagged you is?
= ♥ Tiffany ♥
2. Your relationship with him/her is?
= 博友
3. Your impression of him/her is?
= 很友善呀~不错不错^^
4. The most memorable that he/she has ever done for you?
= 她Tag我 - -
5. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever said to you?
= 不懂耶…我只记得他的Tag! XD
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
= 我不是同性恋!XD
7. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she will have to improve on?
= 我那懂 - - 我不是同性恋!
8. IF he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
= 不可能的啦 - -
9. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
= 有机会的话出来见见面!XD
10. Your overall impression of him/her is?
= emm…不懂呐 - - 他因该很喜欢Fianl Fantasy吧? XD
11. How do you think people around you feel about you?
= 天知我不知 - -
12. The character you love about yourself is?
= 吓?这呀…我不大懂耶 - -
13. On the contrary, the character you hate about yourself is?
= 没自信咯
14. The most ideal person you wanna be is?
= 当个乖乖有钱聪明的美眉 =P
15. Pass the quiz on to 6 people that you wish to know how they feel about you
= 1[小梦] 2[吖诗妹] 3[pipiHOT] 4[❤oms❤Ψ] 5[~Tinkling of a Bell~] 6[Samantha]
(up to ya aLL oh~ if wan to write my blog juz write ba! ^^)
16. Who is number 6 having a relationship with?
= how i know oh - - oh my..
17. What is number 2 studying about?
= wat? juz study lo - -
18. When was the last time you had a chat with number 3?
= lolx.. dunno.. =P
19. Does number 1 have any siblings?
= 有,一个哥哥叫做杰杰(姐姐)XD
20. Will you woo number 3?
= lol.. dunno la~ XD
21. What is the surname of number 6?
= 我知道他的名但不知道姓也 ^^"
22. What is the hobby of number 4?
= lol.. not sure.. XD
23. Where is number 2 studying at?
= 跟美子同校!^^
24. Talk something casually about number 1.
= 友谊永固哦!^^
25. What colour does number 4 like?
= aiyo~ dunno la! >"<
26. Is number 1 and number 5 best friends?
= yaya! i think yes.. XD
27. How did you get to know number 2?
28. Does number 1 have any pets?
= 有!狗狗~ 讷讷~黑黑~莫莫~ ^^
时间真的过得好快呀! >"<
9 年前